- So-called "Christian" Peace Activists were in Iraq to document non-existent atrocities by American soldiers. Ironic is it not that they are being held hostage by Islamo-Facists? How is that for an atrocity! But no I forget their capture is not the fault of the terrorists but President George W. Bush! Silly me.
- Pro-Abortion types disregard the human fetus at the time of conception. They consider it merely an unviable collection of cells. Yet were a similar collection of cells detected on Mars or elsewhere in space it would be hailed as the greatest discovery in human history!
I have many varied interests. I am also very opinionated AND I like to write. I may write about anything. Anything that interests me or anything that bothers me. I might write about the world of politics, I might write about books, or movies, or TV shows, or cigars or whatever interests me. Who knows a random thought or two might even show up. ENJOY!
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Notes and Asides........
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Opinion: "Let's Put Iraq War Casualties in Perspective"....
Let me preface my comments by saying that even one combat casualty is an inconceivable tragedy for the family and loved ones of those killed and wounded in combat. Nothing I am about to write is meant to diminish the impact of a life lost or shattered by grievous injury.
That being said, in terms of combat casualties, when compared with the other major wars fought by the United States since World War I Operation Iraqi Freedom is an unqualified success.
The United States entered World War I on April 16, 1917. On November 11, 1918 the war came to an end. In the 574 days the US was involved in WW I we suffered 116,516 killed in action (KIA) and 204,002 wounded in action (WIA). This converts to 203 Americans killed and 355 wounded each day.
The United States entered World War II on December 7, 1941. On August 15, 1945 the war came to an end when Japan surrendered. In the 1,345 days the US was involved in WW II we suffered 405,339 KIA’s and 670,846 WIA’s. This converts to 301 Americans killed and 499 wounded each day.
The United States entered the Korean War on June 25, 1950. On July 27, 1953 the war came to an end. In the 1,128 days the US was involved in the Korean War we suffered 36,574 KIA’s and 103,284 WIA’s. This converts to 32 Americans killed and 92 wounded each day.
The United States entered the Vietnam War on August 7, 1964 with the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. On April 30,1975 the war came to an end when Saigon fell after the US abandoned our embassy to the Communists. In the 3,915 days the US was involved in the Vietnam War we suffered 58,226 KIA’s and 153,303 WIA’s. This converts to 15 Americans killed and 39 wounded each day.
It has been 945 days since the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom on March 20, 2003. As of November 11, 2005, 2,026 Americans have lost their lives and 15,468 have been wounded, as of November 18. That converts to 2 Americans killed and 16 wounded each day.
At the current rate we would need to be in Iraq nearly 80 years to reach the number killed in action in Vietnam and 26 years to reach the number wounded. Clearly the Iraq War is NOT Vietnam. To further put the Iraq War numbers in perspective consider that in April of 1944 the Allies lost 749 lives in training exercise in preparation for the D-Day invasion of Normandy. When you compare the casualty figures for the Iraq War with those for other major wars it is clear that those making hysterical pronouncements are ignorant at best and lying at worst.
A little postscript to all you race hustlers out there; politicians like Charles Rangel (D-NY) and others who like to claim that combat takes an unfair toll on minorities. As of October 15, 2005, Caucasian’s have suffered 72% of combat deaths in Iraq, Hispanics 11% and Blacks 10%. For the Vietnam War 86.3% of KIA’s were Caucasians. Every combat death is an unspeakable tragedy regardless of race. Those like Rangel would try and exploit race for political gain and their lies need to be countered by the truth.
When you look at the Iraq War in context it is obvious that this is not Vietnam. The military is not being "destroyed" as some on the left would claim. In terms of casualties this war has been an unqualified success. Are there problems? Yes. No war is free of them. Do not listen to the lies and the hysterical pronouncements of the left. Most of them are driven not by altruism but naked ambition.
Footnote: the sources for these articles are various web sites, including but not limited to http://www.wikipedia.com/ and http://www.cnn.com/. Many figures have been rounded for simplicity.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Observation: "Not Sure I Want to Live in a World"....
Monday, November 14, 2005
RIP: Eddie Guerrero - 1967-2005...

Professional wrestler extraordinaire Eddie Guerrero passed away yesterday in his hotel room in Minneapolis, MN he was 38 years old. Guerrero was a gifted performer; not only were his technical skills without peer but he was also great entertainer. At a time when too many wrestlers today cannot combine the two Guerrero was a treasure.
In 2000 he was one of the premiere performers to make the jump from World Championship Wrestling along with his good friend Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn. In his World Wrestling Entertainment debut he performed his signature finishing move the Frog Splash off the top rope and broke his arm on the landing. Upon covering his opponent he hid the hideous fracture visible on his arm and completed match. His WWE career peaked in February 2004 when he defeated Brock Lesnar to become the WWE Champion. At Wrestlemania later that year he celebrated in the ring with Chris Benoit who had just defeated HHH to become World Champion. The two best friends had climbed to the top of the wrestling world.
As I said Guerrero was a gifted performer. From his persona "Latino Heat" and his program with Chyna, to his catch phrase "I Lie, I Cheat and I Steal", to driving to the ring in a low rider Eddie was always having fun. His passion for the business shined bright as his smile every time he came to the ring. He made it fun to watch pro-wrestling.
Eddie Guerrero is survived by his wife, three daughters and legions of fans that will miss him greatly.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Rant: "God Help Us....Governor Corzine????"
HOPE YOU ALL ARE PLEASED WITH YOURSELVES!!!!! Hope you are ready for four more years of rampant corruption, sky high taxes, tax money flushed down the toilet and all the other "fun" things that happen when Demoncrats control Trenton!
Am I bitter? Hell yes!!!!! I hate this friggin' state!!! EVEN Massachusetts can elect a Republican governor for Obi-Wan's sake!!!
GOOD GOD!!! What is wrong with you people???
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Observation: "Call 'Em As I See 'Em"......
I find it odd listening to Rush and Sean complain about the "criminalization of politics" and their knee-jerk defenses of both Tom DeLay and the White House in the CIA leak case. I did not hear either complain about this phenomenon while Clinton was president.
Were a Democrat adminstration accused of leaking CIA information the GOP, plus Rush and Sean would be going ape. And the Democrats who now are so defensive of the CIA would be protecting the Democrat president with every once of strength whether he be right or wrong.
Please do not misread me here. I am not saying that I did not think Clinton was a bad guy because in many,many ways he was. Nor am I saying that I think Tom DeLay and the White House did anything wrong. Frankly I just do not know yet.
It goes to show that it is no longer about right and wrong. It is about whose ox is being gored and who is doing the goring.
Put more simply Washington politics comes to resemble Vince McMahon's WWE more and more every single day.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Movie Review: "'Serenity' NOW!"........

When Gene Roddenberry first pitched his concept for Star Trek to networks execs he presented it as "a 'Wagon Train' to the stars". It is unclear whether Star Trek ever achieved that vision. However, there is no doubt that Joss Wheedon did succeed when he created the television series "Firefly" and the current major motion picture "Serenity".
The story so far.
Five hundred years from now the earth is used up and humanity takes to the stars. They discover hundreds of planets and moons that they terraform to become new earths. Some of these planets are "rich and flush with the new technology; some not so much". The Alliance tries to bring all planets under centralized control. There was some disagreement on that point.
A civil war ensued between the Alliance and the Independents. After the war many of the defeated Independents drifted to the outer reaches of the known universe (or simply the 'verse in Firefly-speak) and they are made to get by with only the most basic of technology.
Enter the crew of the cargo ship Serenity, an amiable and good hearted group of outlaws just trying to get by in a screwed up universe, I mean 'verse.
The movie opens where the TV shows leaves off. Simon Tam (Sean Maher) has rescued his sister River (Summer Glau) from the clutches of the Alliance. You see River is a prodigy and the Alliance has conducted experiments on her in an effort to enhance her abilities which has the side effect of leaving her psychotic.
They take refuge on board Serenity but are pursued by an evil agent of the Alliance known only as "The Operative", played with icy panache by Chiwetel Ejiofor. Ejifor's performance is one the best in the film and his is most memorable villain.
We are then whisked off on a wild ride to discover the secrets of not only River's psychosis but also the awful truth behind the origins of the cannibalistic sub-humans known as "The Reavers".
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Though the special effects are good they are in no way in the class of Star Wars. However, where Star Wars tends to fall flat in the areas of acting, story and dialogue "Serenity" wildly succeeds. The story is well told and plotted and Wheedon suffuses the whole with moments of whit and humor. Some of the best comic moments are reserved for engineer Kaylee Frye, played by the incredibly gorgeous Jewell Staite, and tough guy Jayne Cobb, played by the always reliable Adam Baldwin.
The cast, which is lead by Nathan Fillion as Captain Malcolm Reynolds (think Robin Hood meets Han Solo), reprise their roles without missing a beat. Unlike some of the failed Star Trek movies, Wheedon does an excellent job of utilizing his entire cast in a way that never seems contrived. Each character is given their own unique moment in the film. Other returning members of the cast include Gina Torres as first mate Zoe Washburn, Alan Turdyk as the pilot simply known as "Wash", Ron Glass as the intriguing clergyman Shepherd Book and the exotically beautiful Morena Baccarin as Ambassador Inara Serra.
Another reason "Serenity" is so successful is the Wheedon resists the temptation to condescend to his audience and does not fall back on tired plot devices. This leads to some surprising moments, including the deaths of two major characters. Wheedon also does not succumb to the temptation to provide a romantic moment between Fillion and Baccarin.
Fans of the television show should and I think will adore this movie. It picks up and embellishes on the original episodes and provides a satisfying conclusion should this be the end of the line. I certainly hope it is not and I have read that the entire cast has signed on for a sequel should "Serenity" prove sufficiently successful at the box office.
If you have never watched the show before the movie provides enough backstory for you to jump right in and enjoy. Some of the character bits will not be as meaningful but there is more than enough here for you to enjoy. So please do all of us "Firefly" fans a favor see "Serenity" so that there might be a future for this great story and these great characters.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Rant: "Bush Sycophants!!!!".......
I am also angry at the tactic being used by the White House, borrowed from liberals, of calling Miers opponents name i.e. sexist, elitist, etc.
Since Bush will not withdraw this nomination due to his pathological sense of loyalty she should do him a favor and withdraw.
Since taking the oath back in January Bush has done NOTHING right not a single thing. He continues to be 0 for the year!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Book Review: "Tony and Me: A Story of Friendship" by Jack Klugman.....

The book "Tony and Me: A Styory of Friendship" is Jack Klugman's loving tribute to his long time co-star and dear friend the late Tony Randall. The book covers the extent of their decades long friendship from their first meeting on the set of a 1950's TV show, to their days on "The Odd Couple", to Mr. Klugman's battle with cancer and ultimately with the passing of Mr. Randall in 2004.
Although the book is not autobiographical Mr. Klugman, nonetheless, does spend the first couple of chapters detailing the path he took to become an actor. If you are a fan of "The Odd Couple" or Jack Klugman these chapters will provide some interesting incite into the man. The author spends the balance of the book recounting various stories and anecdotes of their career together.
The book is short (less than 150 pages) and I was able to read it in a single sitting. It is an at times funny and very touching book. I found myself laughing out loud more than once and even getting choked up on a couple of occasions. The love Jack Klugman feels for Tony Randall is palpable as you read through portions of this book.
As a bonus, the book comes with a DVD containing out takes from the "The Odd Couple". This 15 minute DVD, introduced by Jack Klugman, contains some extremely funny out takes from the series. It alone is worth the price of the book.
If you are a fan of "The Odd Couple", or Jack Klugman, or Tony Randall or just of classic TV I highly recommend this book. The investment of time needed to read it is minor compared with the enjoyment you with derive.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Rant: "I am giving up sports!!!!!!".......
The Jets season is now officially done. Worse yet they will now revert to being the pathetic franchise they were prior to Parcells. Pennington will never recover from this latest injury and if he does he will he a shadow of the shadow of his former self. Curtis Martin is not getting any younger and his best days are clearly behind him. The offensive line which has been so good for so long is now starting to really show its age. This team has no future.
The Mets are not much better. Sure they have Wright and Reyes but they wasted the best year they were going to get out of Pedro (it's all down hill from here). Their bullpen is garbage. They have no decent first or second baseman. No catcher. No consistent RBI threat. Their future is not bright AT ALL!
The Rangers, who in god's name are all these guys??? I have no clue who ANY of these guys are. They truly are the NY Strangers. Seven years out of the playoffs. I think you can safely add another year to that because they ain't making the playoffs this year. Probably not next year or the year after maybe. That will make an even decade of futility! Maybe Messier's grandson will lead them to the playoffs in say the year 2040 but then only to lose in the first round to the Devils! If I am still alive 60 years from now people will ask me what I remember from the last time the Rangers won the Cup!
Some people root for good teams and decent franchises. Not me! I had to pick the three most pathetic teams to follow. Well that is all she wrote for me. Since I could NEVER EVER root from the Yankees (evil scum) or the Devils (let's destroy hockey with the trap) or the Giants (just don't care) I will just stop following altogether!
Texas Holdem anyone????
Friday, September 23, 2005
Opinion: "Jon Corzine's Mid-Life Crisis"......
In 1999 a bored Jon Corzine stepped down as CEO of Goldman Sachs and decided he wanted to be a US Senator. So he spent $35 million of his own money to buy the Democratic nomination from Jim Florio and then another $27 million to defeat Bob Franks. He was sworn in January of 2001. That is $62 million. It would have been cheaper to buy another Ferrari!
Now four years and an undistinguished Senate career later Jon Corzine, bored with being a US Senator, wants to be governor of New Jersey. Step one involved paying off the corrupt Democratic party bosses to secure himself an uncontested primary. Now with the parties nomination in hand he will now spend whatever it takes to defeat Doug Forrester and become governor. As with his campaign for Senate Corzine is willing to spend whatever it takes in furtherance of his continuing mid-life crisis.
I have absolutely now doubt in my mind that this wealth, empty suit will be elected governor on election day it is nearly a fait accompli (too many people with their hands out in Essex and Camden county). Politics in NJ will then grow increasingly more corrupt (if that is even conceivable). The politics of his state continue to disgust me. New Jersey does not have a single Republican elected to statewide office. Even Massachusetts has a Republican governor!
My only question is, what happens when Jon Corzine gets bored with being governor???
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Memorial: Remembering 9/11....

Today is September 11. It was a sparklingly clear late summer morning when the unthinkable occurred. At 8:46 AM American Airlines Flight 11 carrying 92 passengers was crashed in to the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Seventeen minutes later at 9:03 United Airlines Flight 175 carrying 65 passengers was crashed in to the South Tower of the World Trade Center. At 9:37 AM American Airlines Flight 77 carrying 64 passengers was crashed in to the Pentagon. At 10:03 AM United Airlines Flight 93 carrying 45 passenger was prevented from reaching its intended target when the passenger attempted to retake the jet from the terrorist filth. The effort resulted in the plane crashing into a field in Shanksville, PA. At 10:05 AM the South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses. At 10:29 AM the North Tower of the World Trade Center collapses. In the end 2,986 lives were lost than day making it the single worst attack on the United States of America.
Four years later many things are still not the same but all too many things have gone back to the way they were on September 10, 2001. Since 9/11/01 we have undertaken military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Saddam Hussein sits behind bars but Osama Bin Laden, presumably, remains at large, assuming he is not already dead.
For posterity I would like to transcribe the journal entry I made on the morning of 9/11/01 from my desk at Convent Station.
There you have it. Four years later we are still at war with Islamo-fascism and I imagine we will be so for some time. We should not rest until everyone responsible for this outrage has suffered a horrible death.
Four years later, may God bless the victims and their families, may God bless the United States of America and may God DAMN all those responsible and all who celebrated it!
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Weather: "Hurricane Katrina".....

This is hurricane Katrina and she is one big bitch. It is a Category 5 storm and currently is packing winds of 165 mph. The shear power of nature is truly humbling.
Within the next 18 to 24 it will hit somewhere along the southern Gulf Coast of the United States. No telling the amount of damage it will do and how many people will lose their lives as a result. No doubt there will be widespread disruption of basic services. New Orleans, which is already below sea level, may be under 20 - 30 feet of water.
Tens of thousands are seeking refuge in the New Orleans Super Dome. Trouble is no one knows for sure if the stadium is capable of withstanding the onslaught that this coming.
Yet looking at the picture it is impossible not to struck by the awesome beauty of this storm. It’s near perfect pin wheel like shape and the perfectly formed eye are truly a site to behold. It would glorious were it not so destructive and deadly.
Katrina is one of the three most powerful storms ever recorded and will most certainly go down in history. May God be with the people in the path of this storm and keep them safe.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Rant: "Just Say 'NO' to a 9/11 Movie"......
RIP: Brock Peters - 1927-2005...

Another member of the Star Trek family as passed away. Veteran actor Brock Peters died Tuesday of pancreatic cancer. He was 78.
To sci-fi fans Peters is best remembered as Admiral Cartwright in the Star Trek movie series. He also portrayed Joseph Sisko the father of Benjamin Sisko on “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine“. What genre fans may not know is that Brock Peters also played Darth Vader. He provided the voice of the Dark Lord of the Sith in the National Public Radio dramatization of “A New Hope“, “The Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi“. His performance in these programs is at times spine tingling and very moving. If you are a Star Wars fan and have not experienced these radio dramas you are missing out on a grand experience. They are available on CD and I encourage all Star Wars fans to check them out.
I have always considered myself a fan of Peters work but even I did not know, until I began reading up on his career, that his first big break came in 1962 when he portrayed Tom Robinson in the classic “To Kill a Mockingbird” playing opposite Gregory Peck.
Whenever I saw Peters I could not help but compare him to James Earl Jones. Both possess power voices and have a presence on the screen that is not at all common. In is a shame that Peters did not achieve a greater level of notoriety. I for enjoyed his work immensely and will miss seeing and hearing him. Brock Peters RIP.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
OpEd Reply: "Truth in Recruiting"......
In it he makes the fantastical claim that those men and women volunteering to join out military today are doing so under false pretenses. That they do not realize that membership in the armed forces may include combat.
Forget for a moment that military service is one of the most ancient of pursuits and that we have been a nation at war for nearly four years. As Mr. Herbert correctly points out that the central purpose of our military is “to fight and kill the enemies of the United States”. If Mr. Herbert understands this most basic principle why does he not credit the members of our military with the same common sense and grasp of the obvious. In not doing so he is, in a sense, saying that those who volunteer to join are moronic, simpletons duped into serving their country. This an outrage! It is not only an insult to the intelligence of his readers but to every man and women who wears the uniform of the United States armed forces.
Not only is this ragingly stupid it is also despicable.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Movies: "Star Trek: Nemesis..An Unworthy End to a Great Franchise"....
It is obvious that the producers where attempting to make "Nemesis" the Next Gen's "Wrath of Khan". Not only did they fail miserably but it is almost insulting the extent to which they ripped-off almost every major plot thread from "Wrath of Khan".
This movie is cold, emotionless and lacks the passion and excitement of "Wrath of Khan". Tom Hardy as Shinzon is supposed to be Khan to Picard's Kirk. However, Hardy is no Ricardo Montalban and Patrick Stewart, while a better actor than William Shatner, could not summon the requisite emotion to make this movie work. The rest of the cast is no better. Clearly tired of playing these roles the cast merely mailed in their performances.
The movies special effects and action sequences are merely OK but do not come close to clearing the bar set by George Lucas and ILM. Even if they did they would ultimately fall flat because the rest of the movie is so utterly horrendous.
The movies sole bright spot is the performance of Brent Spiner in a dual role as both Data and his Rainman like "brother" B4. Spiner is so talented he simply never disappoints. As a matter of fact the only scene in "Nemesis" that conveys any real emotion is Data's Irish wake at the end of the film.
Leave it to a movie this bad to leave an excellent scene on the cutting room floor. One of the deleted scenes is an alternate ending where we would have been introduced to the Enterprise's new first office Commander Martin Madden, to have been played by first rate character actor Steven Culp ("Desperate Housewives", "JAG", "The West Wing", "Star Trek: Enterprise"). This light hearted scene which showed Riker leaving the Enterprise for the last time and ended with the Enterprise warping to where "No Man has Gone Before" was shelved. In its place the movie ends with the Enterprise in an orbital dry dock undergoing repairs. An unworthy ending to end what was once a first rate franchise known as Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Star Trek is in desperate need of fresh blood and a new perspective. Rick Berman has run this franchise into the ground. He should step aside but sadly I do not see this happening.
Opinion: "I Don't Get It. What's the Big Deal???"....
To his critics I would ask how they would respond to a nuclear attack on our soil? Throw spit balls? GIVE ME A BREAK! We must leave no doubt in the mind of our enemies that any such attack on our soil would be dwarfed by the hell on earth we would unleash upon them. To suggest anything else would signal weakness on our part and invite further attacks.
Hats off to Congressman Tancredo!
RIP: James Doohan - 1920-2005.....
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Rant: "Anyone Else Sick of the Natalie Holloway Story??"...
I for one loathe and despise all news stories of this type. They are fine for local news broadcasts but wholely unworthy of national attention. I am disappointed in Fox News for their near non-stop coverage of this non-story.
As a conservative people ask me all the time why I still read The New York Times. The answer is simple. Stories like Natalie Holloway, Michael Jackson, Scot Peterson and other lowest common denominator news stories are not covered.
There are many serious and potentially dangerous things happening in our world and our national obsession with pseudo-news and infotainment is depressing at best and disastrous at worst.
Sports: "The War is Over...Now Drop the Puck!"...
The next step is for both sides to ratify the new agreement. This process, which should be a mere formality, is expected to be completed by next week. After which, the process of rebuilding the sport can begin. The next six weeks before training camp should see an unprecedented flurry of activity as teams try and gear up for the new season. Not only will a makeshift draft be conducted but a record number of free agents should keep the NHL front offices burning the midnight oil for months to come.
The NHL suffered tremendous damage as a result of the long lockout. Not only have they alienated a great many of their fans but they are currently without a national television contract; which, as everyone sports fan knows, is a major source of league revenue. It will be interesting to see the the steps the league takes in re-launching the sport. If any good can come out of the debacle it might be in the form of the long overdue rules changes that will hopefully restore some of the excitement to what has become a rather dull product.
Now that the war is over it is time for the generals on both sides of this conflict to step aside and fade away. Both Bob Goodenow, the head of the players union, and Gary Bettman, the league commissioner, should step down immediately or be forced out. Goodenow for misreading the the resolve of the owners and leading the players to fight an unwinnable battle and Bettman for his greed, lack of leadership and for canceling the season. If hockey is to move forward it needs fresh leadership at the top.
This battle between millionaires and billionaires has cost hockey dearly. The question is can the NHL recover? Only time will tell.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Book Review: "Act of War" by Dale Brown.....
What works in “Act of War”?
- The premise is a good one. When terrorists explode a nuclear weapon on US soil a new generation of elite trooper is needed. Major Jason Richter and his team are introduced as Brown’s new heroes.
- One of the most entertaining aspects of all of Brown’s novels is his ability to combine combat action with political brinksmanship and infighting. “Act of War” is no exception.
- The characters are well written and likeable. You care what happens to these people and feel it when a character dies, which Brown has a habit of doing in his novels and not only to minor characters.
- Not to sound creepy but Brown knows how to write a death scene.
What does not work in “Act of War”?
- Seems a bit too much like “Robocop” at times.
- The ending is a bit rushed.
- Would a Sergeant Major treat an officer the way Jefferson treats Richter? I think not.
- Would a beautiful television reporter fall for a techno-geek like Richter? I think not.
- Major characters disappear midway through the book never to return.
- The terrorist mastermind is a bit obvious.
- The ending is a bit corny and too feel good.
The ending of “Act of War” makes it clear that Brown intends for this to be the start of a new series of novels; much in the same way that “Flight of the Old Dog” spawned many future novels set in the same universe with many of the same characters. This is not necessarily a bad thing provided Brown can correct some the of the short comings of “AoW”.
If you are looking for a quick reading action novel “Act of War” is good choice but you might want to wait for the paperback.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Opinion: "The Greatest Generation and The Worst Generation".....
One of the reasons this generation was so successful in fighting the war against Germany and Japan is that they did what it took to get the job done. They were not burdened by foolish notions political correctness or undue concerns for civil and human rights. They had a war to win, a world to save and did whatever it took. Case in point, when the US was engaged in its island hopping campaign in the Pacific the Japanese bunkered themselves in caves. The American troops used flamethrowers to force the Japanese troops from these entrenchments. When the enemy emerged from the caves they were shot by US troops. I dare say that if our military were to use similar tactics today in our current war against Islamo-fascism these same liberals would accuse our military of war crimes.
When German saboteurs were caught on US soil they were tried before a military tribunal and executed. Today The New York Times Op-Ed page, the ACLU and their allies on the left would fight with their last once of strength on behalf of these enemies of America.
It is clear that America has been weaken by “The Worst Generation”. Those born after World War II, the Baby Boom generation, are in large part the authors of political correctness. They are the lawyers, professors, politicians and journalists that came of age in the 60’s and early 70’s. At their very core they have a deep hatred for traditional American values. I have said it before and I will say it again, we could no longer fight and win a war on the scale of World War II the “Worst Generation“ does not have the stomach for it.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Rebuttal: "Let's Not Make the Terrorists Mad. HUH???"
There was no Abu Ghraib or Gitmo in 1979 when Islamo-fascists took 52 American’s hostage.
There was no Abu Ghraib or Gitmo in 1983 when Islamo-fascists bombed the US Embassy in Beirut killing 260 US Marines.
There was no Abu Ghraib or Gitmo in 1985 when Islamo-fascists hijacked the cruise ship Achille Lauro and killed American Leon Klinghoffer.
There was no Abu Ghraib or Gitmo in 1986 when Islamo-fascists bombed a discotheque in Berlin.
Their was no Abu Ghraib or Gitmo in 1988 when Islamo-fascists brought down Pan Am flight 103 over Scotland killing all 259 people abroad.
There was no Abu Ghraib or Gitmo in 1993 when Islamo-fascists bombed the World Trade Center in the New York the first time killing six.
There was no Abu-Ghraib or Gitmo in 1998 when Islamo-fascists bombed US embassies in Africa killing hundreds.
There was no Abu-Ghraib or Gitmo in 2000 when Islamo-fascists attacked the USS Cole and killed eighteen sailors.
There was no Abu-Ghraib or Gitmo on September 11, 2001 when Islamo-fascists destroyed the World Trade Center in New York killing 3000.
Spain had nothing to do with detaining terror suspects when Islamo-fascists bombed the Madrid rail system in 2004 killing 191 people.
Great Britain had nothing to do with detaining terror suspects when Islamo-fascists today attacked London killing an unknown number.
This is to say nothing of how many Israeli’s have been killed over the years by Islamo-fascists.
Muslim extremists declared war on the US and the West 26 years ago. We only figured it out four years ago. Many have yet to come to terms with the fact that we are dealing with an evil every bit the equal of Nazi Germany. Infidels are sub-human to these fanatics. It is literally either us or them.
Monday, July 04, 2005
Announcement: I'm Baaaaaaack!!!!!! Yeah Baby!!!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Response: "Guantanamo's Long Shadow"......
I invite Mr. Lewis to try and recall the outrage he felt, if any, on the morning of September 11, 2001. He should attempt to recall the images of the Towers collapsing. He should think about all the children who will never know their mother or father. He should think on all these things before shedding any tears for Mohamed al-Kahtani, a man who would have gladly seen countless more Americans die on that day.
I challenge Mr. Lewis and all who agree with him to answer this simple question: if an "exercise in degradation or humiliation" had allowed us to prevent 9/11 would it not have been worth it?
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Notice: "Note to Readers....IF ANY!".....
I will be back though. Especially once I buy my new laptop.
I will finally be seeing Star Wars tomorrow!
See you around the galaxy!
Friday, May 20, 2005
Those on the right are put off because they see an anti-Bush message in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. They see lines like "if you are not with me, you are my enemy" and "And only a Sith thinks in absolutes" and see Bush-bashing. You know what? I am member of the right and I voted for Bush but I don't give a rip about the political content of a Star Wars movie!!!
The left is getting their shots in too. The liberal group MoveOn.org (please no one go their site) has created an anti-Republican flyer called "Senate Wars: Revenge of the Frist" (referring to GOP Senate leader Bill Frist).
Furthermore it does not help matters when both Hayden Christiansen and Ian McDiarmid make statement in the press that seem to endorse the notion that George Lucas (GL) is making an anti-Bush movie.
GL has said that his influences when writing Star Wars were Nixon and Vietnam. I take him at his word and wish that we can all enjoy this last Star Wars movie without it being tainted by politics.
Forgive the rant. I now return you to your normal postings.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Rant: "Leave Laura the Hell Alone Already!!!"......
Monday, April 25, 2005
Friday, April 22, 2005
DVD Review: "Baa Baa Black Sheep"......
It is the stories of the famed WWII Marine Corp fighter squadron VFM-214 better know as the "Black Sheep". The series follows the exploits of this unit in the air and on the ground. The acting is quite good, as is the chemistry among the actors. The combat scenes combine new footage and some actual combat footage from the war. This does look a bit awkward at times but I never found it to be that big of an issue. It is very fun viewing and quite family friendly.
Robert Conrad is perfect in his depiction of the hard living, hard drinking commander of the outfit Greg "Pappy" Boyington. Among the series regulars were a young John Larroquette and Red West who used to be a bodyguard for Elvis Presley. You will doubtless recognize other faces in the cast as many became staples in 80's TV and some can still be seen today. Watch for the actual Greg Boyington making a cameo as he pins a medal on Conrad in one of the episodes.
Good to see this come back!
Buy it here:
TV Review: "The Apprentice - Season 3"......
In this third season the producers decided to cast a team full of college educated players and pits them against a team of those with only a high school education. The result has been the worst incarnation of the show to date. I feel like I have been watching this season, which debuted on January 20, 2005, FOREVER. It is a train wreck. An occasionally entertaining train wreck but a train wreck nonetheless. The bickering and back-stabbing has been childish and non-stop. While these conflicts have always been part of the fun it has become excessive this season. The quality of the work product, while occasionally good, has been overall exceedingly poor. For the first time in three seasons BOTH teams lost at a task and both teams were forced to attend the board room session. Out of all the tens of thousands that auditioned for this show this was the best they could do? I would not hire most of these people to pour my morning shot at Starbucks. Yet one these contestants is going to get a one-year contract within the Trump Organization and a $250,000 salary.
I must not be the only one who feels this way. I just saw a quote on the Internet where Trump himself of privately heard to remark that this was the worst group of contestants from the first three seasons. I am glad he agrees and hopefully makes wiser selections as a result.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Opinion: "Another European Pope?".....
This move makes sense to me for a primary reason. The church is flourishing in Latin America and Africa. Despite all the problems the church remains strong. By contrast, the church is Europe is dying. The aging of the European population combined with the increasingly secular nature of European life as caused Church attendance to wane at an alarming rate. At the same time the Muslim population continues to increase and attendance at Mosques far out places that at Churches. The trend is so alarming that it caused one commentator of observe that if current trends continue unabated Europe will become an outpost of Islam.
My assumption is that the Vatican hopes that by selecting a Pope from the very heart of Europe that they may stem this very distressing tide. I pray that is the case. In an age where the threats posed by Islamo-fascism could not possibly be higher I can think of no greater tragedy than allowing Europe to fall.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Opinion: "Long Live Pope Benedict XVI"
Here is a portion of his homily offered at the beginning of the Papal Conclave:
"Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the church, is often labelled today as a fundamentalism, whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along by every wind of teaching, looks like the only attitude acceptable to today's standards. We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism which does not recognize anything as for certain and which has as its highest goal one's own ego and one's own desires."
Friday, April 15, 2005
Opinion: "The Information Age" - Part 2 of 2........
Can anyone argue that we not living in a similar age now? Sensationalized news, celebrity gossip, human-interest stories and trivial events being blown out of proportion dominate our news. The obsession with the Michael Jackson trial, the Scott Peterson trial, the OJ Trial are all examples as is non-stop coverage of JoLo, Britney Spears and the all the rest. All this leads to a distorted sense of reality.
Crime in this country is much less of a problem then it was 25 years ago. During the late 70’s and 80’s people actually questioned the very future of the country. However, with every abduction and murder leading every news broadcast and with the associated commentary and analysis the public comes to believe that the world is going straight to hell. This is not necessarily true.
The recent death of Pope John Paul II is another example of gross media overkill. The day the Pope took most gravely ill the cable news channels began a non-stop death vigil. They did this to the exclusion of all other news. This obsession with ratings and the bottom line has lead the major media in this country to become myopic.
One could even argue that the media’s treatment of events since 9/11 and the government’s response have born a striking resemblance to those of the late 1890’s and the event surrounding the sinking of the Maine.
"no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their autonomy,
maturity and history. As he saw it, people will come to
adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.
What Orwell feared were those who would ban books.
What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to
ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read
one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information.
Huxley feared those who would give us so much that
we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell
feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley
feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance.
Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley
feared we would become a trivial culture."
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Opinion: "The Information Age" - Part 1 of 2........
What is the impact of this proliferation of information? I would argue it a mixed blessing, at best. On one hand, information has truly been democratized. Especially the Internet, that has allowed information to spread unfiltered to all corners of the globe. It has become increasingly difficult for governments or others to control the types or nature of information to which they allow their citizens access. Today anyone with access to the Internet can get another point of view. Yet much like the Biblical Tower of Babel this explosion of information has lead to an intellectual confusion on par with the confusion of language resulting from the Biblical story. In addition, I would argue that this ready access to information has contributed greatly to the political polarization of this country. Finally, as the saying goes, more is not necessarily better.
There was a time when state controlled news agencies were the only sources of information available to people living in totalitarian societies. What people knew about the world was what they were told by their government. This allowed corrupt dictatorships to control the lives of their citizens through propaganda. While this is still an all too common phenomenon in parts of the world the Information Revolution has made this much more difficult. As the last bastion of true freedom the Internet does not answer to governments, or shareholders, or editors. Those that access the Internet are able to avail themselves of truly unfiltered information.
The mainstream media used to have a virtual stranglehold on the news. In years past the news was what they said it was. The Walter Cronkite’s of the world were powerful. To point a fact, Cronkite’s reporting of the War in Vietnam is credited by many with turning America’s attitude against the war. Yet as Lord Acton observed "power corrupts". Over the years the mainstream media became increasingly arrogant. The culmination of this was the attempt by CBS News to use falsified documents in an attempt to discredit President Bush during the last election cycle. At one point in time they might have gotten away with it. However, they were not counting on the Internet to act as fact checker. As a result the story was debunked, many CBS employee lost their job and Dan Rather was forced to retire.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Chapter 4: Starship Lexington
"Good morning, Captain. I am Admiral Jackson’s aide Lt. Michael Evans. The Admiral is expecting you. Right this way sir."
"Thank you. Lead the way Lieutenant."
They strode through the halls of Starfleet HQ. The richly paneled walls were decorated with paintings, murals and models of starships past interspersed with portraits of Starfleet’s finest. Among many Masters saw were several renderings representing the various incarnations of the USS Enterprise, the "Great Experiment" the original USS Excelsior and the Phoenix, earth’s first warp capable space ship; which lead to humanities first contact with an alien race. Among the portraits were James T. Kirk, Christopher Pike, Jonathan Archer, Robert April and Zefram Cochrane. Further down he came across a bronze plaque bearing the names of the starships lost to the Borg at the Battle of Wolf 359 and then upon the portraits of Will Decker and Benjamin Sisko; each bearing the somber yet hopeful inscription of Missing in Action. Starfleet HQ was part operations center, part museum and part shrine.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Chapter 3: Starship Lexington
The hours with his family passed all too quickly. Even still it was good to spend even a little time at home. Before reporting back to Starfleet HQ he decided to stop at his favorite café for a last cup of real coffee before having to once again endure how many months, or perhaps years, worth of replicated sludge. A smile crept onto his face as he reminded himself that might not be entirely true. He sat outside the coffee shop at a comfortable bistro-style table and savored the hot, rich, slightly bitter liquid. This was his favorite café. It was a casual and friendly environment where you could just sit and relax. He used to while away hours outside this store in years past. Either just sitting watching the world go by or losing himself completely in the pages of good old fashion book. When he meant a book that is exactly what he meant. The Personal Access Display Devices, or PADDs, were fine for many things, even running a starship. However, when it came to books there was no substitute for the real thing.
He sat, eyes closed, and enjoyed the warmth of the sun on his face. He breathed deep the fresh, clean unrecycled air of home. It was another perfect day, as were almost all days. Since First Contact with the Vulcans earth had become a paradise of sorts. It was a founding member and one of the crown jewels of the United Federation of Planets. Still perfection had its drawback too. He often wondered what it might been like to live in a time before First Contact. Maybe life was more interesting back then, he often thought. Then again the old days had their problems; war, famine, disease. So what if things were all too predictable. It was a small price to pay. Enough day dreaming! He had caught his mind wandering on more than a few occasions over the past couple of days since returning to earth. It was a dangerous habit for a Starfleet Captain. Time to get back to work. He needed to check in with Admiral Jackson one more time then report to the Lexington.
He reluctantly left the coffee house and walked to the nearest public transporter. He stepped on the transporter pad and instructed the operator "Starfleet HQ in San Francisco, please".
Friday, April 08, 2005
Chapter 2: Starship Lexington
"Captain! Are you with me?"
"Sorry, sir! It’s been so long since I’ve been back home that I got a bit distracted while taking it all in. My apologies!"
"No need, Captain. You’re entitled. After five years out there as First Officer of the Morimoto and three years since your last trip to earth I can hardly blame you. "
"Alex I know you were looking for some time with your family before taking command but I am afraid that is not possible. The Lexington’s retrofit is nearly complete. The yardmaster estimates you should be able to launch within the next 96 hours. You will have an almost all-new crew save for the Senior Chief. I want you on-board ASAP. Then set course for Starbase 86. It’s a long trip and you can use that time to get things in shape. Have you selected a First Officer yet?"
"No sir, I have narrowed my choices down to two but I need to have a final interview with each before making a selection."
"Better make it quick Alex. Like I said you launch in less than 4 days. Any questions?"
"Yes, sir. About my crew, sir. I was going over the roster and I noticed that the Chief Medical Officer is a Cardassian. I did not realize there were any in Starfleet. Is that wise sir?""Yes, Dr. Tedan Malar. He is the first Cardassian to serve in Starfleet. He is very young. A symbol of the new Cardassia. He was a member of the underground during the war. He is also a pacifist. I know what you are thinking Captain but it’s all true. You might feel better when you see who sponsored his application to Starfleet Academy."
"Kira Nerys?! Commander of Deep Space Nine?!" exclaimed Masters incredulously.
"Yes they met while she was on Cardassia during the war aiding Damar in the resistance. If she can get past it I expected you to do so as well, understood?"
"Aye, sir. I will do my best….."; before he could finish Masters was cut off.
"I expect better than that, Captain. You will treat him with the courtesy and respect you would extend to any other officer. Is that clear?"
"Sir, yes, sir! Will there be anything else, sir?" Masters was clearly uneasy and responded as a first year cadet addressing his drill instructor.
"Alex I know you lost a lot of friends and classmates during the Dominion War. Hell, there is hardly anyone in Starfleet who was unaffected but you have to make this work. Cardassia has made remarkable progress since the war. Malar is proof positive of that."
"I understand sir. You have my word Admiral."
What Master’s was really thinking was, now I know how Kirk felt when he was ordered to meet with the Klingon Chancellor before the signing of the Khitomer Accords.
"Excellent! You have thirty-six hours R&R before reporting to the Lexington. Go spend it with your family."
"Aye, sire. Thank you sir"
"You’re welcome. Good luck Captain Masters. Dismissed."
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Chapter 1: Starship Lexington
“….therefore effective StarDate 57076.5 you are hereby promoted to the rank of Captain with the all the rights, privileges and responsibilities of that rank.”
Admiral Jackson then pinned the fourth pip on the collar of the former Starfleet Commander , First Officer and veteran of many conflicts including the Dominion War.
“Further, you are requested and required to report to the Starship Lexington and take your place as her commanding officer. Congratulations Captain Masters!”
“Thank you, Admiral. I am honored by this and by the trust you and Starfleet have placed in my abilities. I will not let you down. “, promised Captain Alex Master accepting his promotion.
The promotion ceremony now concluded the assembled guests broke into applause. Among those in attendance were Captain Masters’ mother and father and little sister. They were anxious to catch up with Starfleet’s newest Captain as this was his first time back to earth in several years.
“Admiral Jackson, I’d like to introduce you to my family. Admiral John Jackson these are my parents William and Erica Masters and this is my sister Pamela.”
“Nice to meet you all. You should be very proud of Alex. He may be too modest to say so but he is one of the best. I have no doubt that he will make a great Captain.”
“Thank you Admiral” Erica Masters said. “We have always been proud of him.”
“As well you should be. But now if you will excuse us the Captain and I need to speak, privately.”
“Not a problem. Son, we’ll see you later?” asked William Masters.
“Sure dad. I’ll see you later.”
Misc: "Sci-Fi Geek".......
Monday, April 04, 2005
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Book Review: "Slander".........
This exhaustively researched and footnoted book (over 30 pages containing over 700 footnotes) cover’s issues from the 2000 election; to the left’s characterization of conservative Republicans as either a mindless imbeciles (e.g. Reagan , Bush and Quayle) or a scary authoritarians (e.g. Gingrich, Bork and Nixon); to a comparison of the media’s treatment of Phyllis Schlafly vs Gloria Steinem and many more. In the process she gets in a great deal of criticism of “moderate” i.e. liberal Republican’s, the New York Times, most major media in general and the debating style of the left (call your opponent names and be done with it!).
No one will ever accuse Ann Coulter of subtlety. Some, most likely those on the left, might be inclined to dismiss this book as the bombastic and hyperbolic rantings of a right-wing harpy. However, given the unfriendly reception Ms. Coulter has received in her many media appearance I suspect that she has struck a very raw nerve and that at the very least some of what she says is true. That being said I would very much like to read a point by point rebuttal of her arguments by an equally committed member of the left.
If you are a conservative and are sick and tired of mealy mouthed, meek Republican’s afraid to stand up for themselves this book with have you laughing, cheering and leave you thoroughly satisfied. If you are a liberal or a Democrat you had better have taken your blood pressure medication prior to opening the pages of “Slander”.
Sports: "Talkin' Baseball"..........
I predict the final National League East standings will be:
- Atlanta Braves (until they don’t win you have to pick them)
- Florida Marlins
- New York Mets
- Philadelphia Phillies
- Washington Nationals
The St. Louis Cardinals will win the National League Central
The San Francisco Giants will win the National League West
The Boston Red Sox will win the American League East
The Minnesota Twins will win the American League Central
The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim will win the American League West
The NL Wild Card will be the Florida Marlins
The AL Wild Card will be the New York Yankees
The Boston Red Sox will defeat the Florida Marlins in the World Series.
The Mets Pedro Martinez will lose between 4 and 6 win as a result of his bullpen but will still win at least 14 games.
If the Mets play well they can challenge the Marlins for second place and perhaps even the Wild Card. A rivalry will develop between these two teams that could be intense.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Book Review: "Midshipman's Hope"......
The book is written in the first person narrated by the by the main character Nicholas Seafort. We first see him as a lowly, insecure midshipman and watch him rise through the ranks. Along the way he must confront more than his share of demons. His character is at times deeply sympathetic and at other times loathsome. However, he is never boring and always compelling.
Another distinguishing aspect of the book is in his depiction of the brutal 18th century style discipline that is employed in Feintuch's universe. It is at oft times quite disturbing. Fans of the movie "Starship Troopers" will certainly recognize the similarities.
Perhaps the finest aspect of this novel is that it tells a complete self-contained story even though it is but the first of many in the "Seafort Saga". This is not to say that it does not leave you wanting more which it certainly does.
"Midshipman's Hope" is one of the best works in the genre of military sci-fi.
Buy it here at Barnes and Noble:
Monday, March 28, 2005
Opinion: "Don't Complain About the Price of Gas, IF"...
Everywhere you go you see people carrying around bottles of water, even I do it, too. The average 20 once bottle of water costs around $1.00 (sometimes much, much more). Given that there are 128 ounces in a gallon that makes bottled water $6.40 per gallon. Tap water, on the other hand, is free. If you are willing to pay $6.40 per gallon for bottled water then don’t complain about the price of gas.
I love Starbucks coffee. Based on the lines at my local store I assume many other do as well. A 20 once espressos drink can cost $3.00 or more. Given that there are 128 ounces in a gallon that makes coffee, at least, $19.20 per gallon. On the other hand, you can make it at home for pennies. If you are willing to pay $19.20 per gallon for coffee then don’t complain about the price of gas.
Millions of people drive Sports Utility Vehicles. Some in this country decry their choices. I really couldn’t care less. SUV’ s have very large gas tanks, 30 gallons or more in some cases. They also don’t get very good gas mileage, most get well under 20 miles per gallon. That means they need to fill up more often and it could cost them $60.00 or more to fill their tanks. On the other hand, there are many other cars on the market that are much more fuel efficient and cheaper to fill up. If you are willing to drive a gas-guzzling automobile then don’t complain about the price of gas.
Like everything else is life, gas is taxable. In New Jersey we have a relatively low gas tax 14.5 cents per gallon but other states are as high as .25 cents per gallon. Does anyone ever complain about the gas tax? If you are willing to put up with government taxation of gasoline then don’t complain about the price of gas.
I am sick and tired of government treating its citizens like ATM machines. From what I can tell not enough of you are as fed up as I am. Some of you even like paying taxes and will sit back and say nothing everytime a government comes along and takes more of your money. Yet let gas prices go up a nickel and you are outraged. If you are willing to stand-by quietly while government picks your pocket then don’t complain about the price of gas.
That’s all.
Friday, March 25, 2005
Report: "Iraq War Casualty Figures".....
In a related story the Financial Times is reporting that certain members of the insurgency are looking to put down their arms and join the political process. If true this would be a truly positive development and would go a long way to restoring peace to Iraq.
Unfortunately with all the media attention focused on Florida and the Terry Schiavo situation most American’s are probably unaware of these positive developments in Iraq.
Although I have had my doubts about this war from the start I am glad to see think apparently moving in the right direction. I hope President Bush takes some comfort from it.
Here are links to the stories I mentioned:
Not So Deep Thoughts: "Maxims"......
Maxims are probably little from than elevated cliches. None the less I do find them useful and even inspiring. I've collected a few and will add to the list as warranted.
What’s done is done
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
Everyday brings a fresh start
Shit happens, plan for it and deal with it
Lighten up
No one knows the future
If you fall off the horse get right back on
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
Life is a marathon not a sprint
Plan your work…work your plan
Things are not THAT bad and could be a lot worse
Look on the bright side
Sometimes good enough is GOOD ENOUGH
Act "as if"
Success breeds success and failure breeds failure
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Rant: "Stop the Friggin' World I Want to Get Off!"...
Follow the link to the story here (warning site has been slow):
Misc: "A Prayer for Peace".......
I pray that God comfort and bring some peace to this family in their darkest hour.
Opinion: "Logan's Run"......
Why am I bringing up a little known thirty-year-old sci-fi flick? This is why, in "Logan’s Run" the heroes of the story are the Runners and the villains the Sandmen. Given how things are progressing in society, if the movie were remade today would the Runners still be considered to be the hero’s? Think about it.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Book Review: "A Hymn Before Battle"...
The concept is a twist on the old first contact with aliens story. Instead of coming to kill us or advance our civilization the aliens in "Battle" need our help. There is a powerful hostile race, the Posleen, running rough shod through the galaxy and the Galactics (as the aliens are called) need the earth's help to save the galaxy from invasion. In exchange they will share with us some their technology.
The novel has several very positive aspects. The author is a fan of sci-fi and at times in the novel he pays homage to sci-fi and sci-fi novels which is kind of fun. Ringo does a nice job playing with technology and comes up with cool gadgets and weapons, from the AID's, to the Hyper Velocity Missiles to the Armored Combat Suits. He also creates a compelling character in Michael O'Neal and the story surrounding him is a good one. Lastly, the fact that the story is set in the present time and not in the future lends a little extra something to the book.
Alas "Battle" is not without it's shortcomings. The major problem is that it is the first in a series and as such elements of the books are incomplete and others seem nothing more than wastes of time (the whole sub plot surrounding Sgt. Pappas is a good example). This is frustrating because it is possible to write a serialized set of novels wherein each novel is complete story in and of itself. Examples of this would be the Mars trilogy written by Kim Stanley Robinson, another is the on-going Star Wars: New Jedi Order series. Another issue is that "Battle" is not as compelling or as exciting as it might be given the premise.
That being said like look forward to reading the second book in this series called "Gust Front". The concept, the O'Neal character and Ringo's technology are enough to bring me back for another.
Buy it here on Amazon.com:
Opinion: "Whose Side is God On???"...
At an ever-increasing rate so called liberal people of faith are coming out of the woodwork to announce "Hey! I believe in God too"! Liberals from Hillary Clinton to Howard Dean are now all either quoting from the Bible or talking about matters of faith. Books are being written that attempt to relate modern liberal dogma and Scripture. They read the New Testament of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus as a blue print for an anti-war, social justice agenda. In their minds Jesus is for higher taxes, is anti-war and is for gay marriage. They look at Jesus and see a combination of John Lennnon, Gandhi and Karl Marx all rolled into one.
As absurd as this premise may sound to religious conservatives it should not be discounted out of hand. There are selected passages in the Bible that if read out of context or without understanding could be used to justify the liberal position. Enjoying uncontested ground as they have for all these years I do not believe the right is prepared to make proper rebuttal. This is potentially disastrous. And from what I have seen so far little energy or attention is being paid towards developing counters to the emergence of a liberal religious political agenda.
Over the years the religious right has gotten a bit myopic. I am of the opinion that far too many prominent members of the religious right are inordinately obsessed with matters of sexual morality. This is in no way to suggest that these is issues are not extremely important but there are other issues to consider. They need to broaden their approach if they are to counter the coming attack from the religious left. They do this not by adopting the positions of the left but by developing scriptural and policy based ideas to counter a social justice agenda. The right is currently not prepared to wage this battle.
In the final analysis both sides want to think that God is on their side. During the Civil War President Lincoln observed "Both [sides] read the same Bible, and pray to the same God; and each invokes His aid against the other". The circumstances today my not be as dire as in the 1860’s but the sentiment is as true today as it was then.
Is God/Jesus a Republican or a Democrat? I suspect he is neither and moreover I think it is sacrilege to even attempt to categorize God in such crass and vulgar terms. Unfortunately, we are political animals and we all want to think that God is on our side.
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Movie Review: "In the Name of the Father"......
This is the story of Gerry Conlon (Daniel Day Lewis) a young Irish man caught in the wrong place and the wrong time and is implicated and ultimately convicted in an IRA bombing attack on a British pub. The movie takes the viewer through this process. From his time in London to his arrest and torture, both physical and psychological, at the hand of the British police during his interrogation to his 15 year incarceration in a maximum security facility to his triumphant appeal and release. The interrogation sequences are most disturbing in their depiction of the combination of physical and mental abuse used to wear down a suspect to the point where he or she will admit and confess to any thing in order to end the abuse. We also see how the police arrest Conlon's entire family including his father as co-conspirators. Ultimately, they are all convicted and sentenced to varying term in prison. Conlon and his father Giuseppe are cell-mates and the movie goes on to explore the transformation of their relationship from a rather distant and cold one to a caring and loving one as the years of their incarceration drag on.
Daniel Day Lewis turns in a memorable performance in his monument to excesses of Britain's war on domestic terrorism. Emma Thompson is OK in her role has a stalwart supporter of the family and their cause but her role could have been bigger. This movie is not intended to be in any way balanced whatsoever. The viewer is supposed to be sympathetic toward the Conlon family and have nothing but contempt for the British authorities. The aforementioned instances and more make this emotional connection very easy to make. That is a little more than disturbing.
As with other fact based movies, "JFK" et. al., we are getting a one sided view of the issue. In many cases the makers use artistic license to "tweak" the plot in one way or the other. As a result, viewers who may not be as up to speed on these issues may accept these interpretations as gospel when in fact they are not. I am suggesting that viewers should not just accept at face value the opinions or views of very often biased director and producers who are out to make a political point.
Link to the Internet Movie Database for "In the Name of the Father"......
Book Review: "The Surgeon".......
The characters in "The Surgeon" are nicely sketched out. There is a hard as nails female detective seemingly at war with her own sexuality (and members of her own police department) investigating a series of vicious murders; her partner a cool headed, straight laced detective still in mourning; the shadowy, disturbed killer who is always present but isn't; and the beautiful and brilliant trauma surgeon who becomes one mans obsession and another mans lover.
The authors medical background is clearly evident as the passages set in Emergency Rooms or surgery wards are pulse pounding page tuners. This background is also clearly evident in grisly detailing of the murders committed. Fans of the TV shows ER and CSI will find these elements highly satisfying.
I found "The Surgeon" to be highly entertaining and engrossing. I read the final half of the book in a single sitting. I am pleased to have found a new author and look forward to reading more of her works.
Buy it here at Amazon.com:
Opinion: "How Do Liberals Live with Themselves?"
Since 1973 we have performed untold millions of abortions in this country in the name of women’s rights. Retaining the right to kill the unborn has become the number one issue in the radical feminist movement. Any move to curtail this "right", even in the most modest terms, is met with near violent opposition. Therefore what we are left with is a society that requires school’s to obtain parental consent to administer an aspirin to a child but can provide them with birth control and abortion services at their leisure. We live in a society where infanticide, euphemistically called partial birth abortion, is an accepted practice. We have a society where abortions are performed because it is inconvenient for the mother to be pregnant. How do liberals live with themselves?
While at the same time cherishing the right to kill the innocent unborn, liberals are appalled by the notion that society may want to execute the most vile criminals. Leave aside the fact that capital punishment is contemplated by the Constitution and abortion is not. Which position is inherently more defensible? Killing an unborn child and robbing it of all it’s future potential or executing one who has taken life and robbed someone else of their future potential? Seems pretty clear to me. But not to a liberal. To them the life of a hardened criminal is worth more than that of an unborn child. I ask again how do liberals live with themselves?
I will give liberals their due. They are strategic and they are patient. They do not go for the whole pie all at once. They go for it a piece at a time. It might take them years to get what they want but they are patient to wait and take what they can get when they can. It started in 1973 with abortion. Now 32 years later, secure that abortion rights are safe, they are moving on towards making euthanasia as much a part of everyday life as abortion. The Terry Schiavo case is merely a starting point. How can I make such an accusation? Simple, whom are the ones taking the lead in making sure that Terry Schiavo is allowed to starve to death? Conservatives? No it is the liberal’s that have taken up this cause in support of death. This woman is defenseless as defenseless as an unborn child and liberals want her to die. Well at least they are consistent on that score. I guess to a liberal it is ok to kill the defenseless but somehow it is wrong to kill a convicted murderer. I ask for the last time…….how do liberals live with themselves?
Monday, March 21, 2005
Book Review: "Dragon".........
Written in 1990 "Dragon" may seem a bit dated. It was written at the height of America’s fear of being economically dominated by Japan. It in no way detracts from the story whatsoever.
Cussler has a wonderful ability to weave together historical and contemporary elements into one grand tale. In the case of "Dragon", how can a World War II bomber sitting at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean hold the key to saving the free world from a fabulously wealthy Japanese industrialist determined to establish Japan as the world’s preeminent superpower? That is the riddled to be solved by Dirk Pitt and company if they are to save the day.
"Dragon" is full of samurai assassins, killer robots, nuclear brinkmanship, gadgets and heroic acts of daring-do. It is an immensely fun page-turner that I highly recommend.
Buy it here at Amazon.com:
Monday, February 14, 2005
Opinion:Just Say "NO" to a National ID Card......
I ask you to contact your US Senator's and urge them to vote "no" to the Real ID Act of 2005 a.k.a. HR 418. Among other things it would create national standards for state drivers licenses and would create a massive database of driver information. This would be a de facto national ID card.
This is not a left or right issue. Groups from the ACLU, to the American Conservative Union, to Second Amendment rights groups oppose this legislation.
I am a life long Republican and find this legislation repugnant. I have already written President Bush and my Congressman expressing my dismay.
Here is a link to the text of the legislation itself:
The following is a link to the eloquent statement made by Representative Ron Paul opposing this bill.
Say NO to Big Government. Say NO to Big Brother. Say NO to a National ID Card.
Live Free or Die!