I have many varied interests. I am also very opinionated AND I like to write. I may write about anything. Anything that interests me or anything that bothers me. I might write about the world of politics, I might write about books, or movies, or TV shows, or cigars or whatever interests me. Who knows a random thought or two might even show up. ENJOY!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Opinion: "How Do Liberals Live with Themselves?"

I swear I do not know how liberals live with themselves. Honestly, how can people in good conscience vehemently oppose the death penalty while at the same time support abortion on demand and now euthanasia? It is truly mind-boggling.

Since 1973 we have performed untold millions of abortions in this country in the name of women’s rights. Retaining the right to kill the unborn has become the number one issue in the radical feminist movement. Any move to curtail this "right", even in the most modest terms, is met with near violent opposition. Therefore what we are left with is a society that requires school’s to obtain parental consent to administer an aspirin to a child but can provide them with birth control and abortion services at their leisure. We live in a society where infanticide, euphemistically called partial birth abortion, is an accepted practice. We have a society where abortions are performed because it is inconvenient for the mother to be pregnant. How do liberals live with themselves?

While at the same time cherishing the right to kill the innocent unborn, liberals are appalled by the notion that society may want to execute the most vile criminals. Leave aside the fact that capital punishment is contemplated by the Constitution and abortion is not. Which position is inherently more defensible? Killing an unborn child and robbing it of all it’s future potential or executing one who has taken life and robbed someone else of their future potential? Seems pretty clear to me. But not to a liberal. To them the life of a hardened criminal is worth more than that of an unborn child. I ask again how do liberals live with themselves?

I will give liberals their due. They are strategic and they are patient. They do not go for the whole pie all at once. They go for it a piece at a time. It might take them years to get what they want but they are patient to wait and take what they can get when they can. It started in 1973 with abortion. Now 32 years later, secure that abortion rights are safe, they are moving on towards making euthanasia as much a part of everyday life as abortion. The Terry Schiavo case is merely a starting point. How can I make such an accusation? Simple, whom are the ones taking the lead in making sure that Terry Schiavo is allowed to starve to death? Conservatives? No it is the liberal’s that have taken up this cause in support of death. This woman is defenseless as defenseless as an unborn child and liberals want her to die. Well at least they are consistent on that score. I guess to a liberal it is ok to kill the defenseless but somehow it is wrong to kill a convicted murderer. I ask for the last time…….how do liberals live with themselves?

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