I have many varied interests. I am also very opinionated AND I like to write. I may write about anything. Anything that interests me or anything that bothers me. I might write about the world of politics, I might write about books, or movies, or TV shows, or cigars or whatever interests me. Who knows a random thought or two might even show up. ENJOY!

Friday, March 25, 2005

Not So Deep Thoughts: "Maxims"......

Maxims are probably little from than elevated cliches. None the less I do find them useful and even inspiring. I've collected a few and will add to the list as warranted.

What’s done is done

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

Everyday brings a fresh start

Shit happens, plan for it and deal with it

Lighten up

No one knows the future

If you fall off the horse get right back on

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Life is a marathon not a sprint

Plan your work…work your plan

Things are not THAT bad and could be a lot worse

Look on the bright side

Sometimes good enough is GOOD ENOUGH

Act "as if"

Success breeds success and failure breeds failure

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