I have many varied interests. I am also very opinionated AND I like to write. I may write about anything. Anything that interests me or anything that bothers me. I might write about the world of politics, I might write about books, or movies, or TV shows, or cigars or whatever interests me. Who knows a random thought or two might even show up. ENJOY!

Monday, February 14, 2005

Opinion:Just Say "NO" to a National ID Card......

Dear Readers,

I ask you to contact your US Senator's and urge them to vote "no" to the Real ID Act of 2005 a.k.a. HR 418. Among other things it would create national standards for state drivers licenses and would create a massive database of driver information. This would be a de facto national ID card.

This is not a left or right issue. Groups from the ACLU, to the American Conservative Union, to Second Amendment rights groups oppose this legislation.

I am a life long Republican and find this legislation repugnant. I have already written President Bush and my Congressman expressing my dismay.

Here is a link to the text of the legislation itself:


The following is a link to the eloquent statement made by Representative Ron Paul opposing this bill.


Say NO to Big Government. Say NO to Big Brother. Say NO to a National ID Card.

Live Free or Die!

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