I have many varied interests. I am also very opinionated AND I like to write. I may write about anything. Anything that interests me or anything that bothers me. I might write about the world of politics, I might write about books, or movies, or TV shows, or cigars or whatever interests me. Who knows a random thought or two might even show up. ENJOY!

Friday, April 08, 2005

Chapter 2: Starship Lexington

Leaving the auditorium the two Starfleet officers made their way through the immaculately manicured grounds of Starfleet headquarters to Admiral Jackson’s office. It was a beautiful summer day in San Francisco. Masters’ breathed deep the fresh non-recycled air and felt the warmth of the sun on his face. His eyes drank in the lush foliage. Though he loved outer space, nothing could replace the beauty of earth. Holodecks were a marvelous invention and essential to crew morale and they came close to approximating the real thing but something always seemed to be missing or just slightly off. The greens were never green enough; the blue of the sky just not quite right. And replicated food! It may have been nutritionally complete but there was an unmistakable blandness to it. No matter how many engineers and scientists told him he was wrong he remained unconvinced. He was looking forward to enjoying as much of the real thing as possible before taking command of the Lexington. The Admiral jolted him from his reverie.

"Captain! Are you with me?"

"Sorry, sir! It’s been so long since I’ve been back home that I got a bit distracted while taking it all in. My apologies!"

"No need, Captain. You’re entitled. After five years out there as First Officer of the Morimoto and three years since your last trip to earth I can hardly blame you. "

"Alex I know you were looking for some time with your family before taking command but I am afraid that is not possible. The Lexington’s retrofit is nearly complete. The yardmaster estimates you should be able to launch within the next 96 hours. You will have an almost all-new crew save for the Senior Chief. I want you on-board ASAP. Then set course for Starbase 86. It’s a long trip and you can use that time to get things in shape. Have you selected a First Officer yet?"

"No sir, I have narrowed my choices down to two but I need to have a final interview with each before making a selection."

"Better make it quick Alex. Like I said you launch in less than 4 days. Any questions?"

"Yes, sir. About my crew, sir. I was going over the roster and I noticed that the Chief Medical Officer is a Cardassian. I did not realize there were any in Starfleet. Is that wise sir?""Yes, Dr. Tedan Malar. He is the first Cardassian to serve in Starfleet. He is very young. A symbol of the new Cardassia. He was a member of the underground during the war. He is also a pacifist. I know what you are thinking Captain but it’s all true. You might feel better when you see who sponsored his application to Starfleet Academy."

"Kira Nerys?! Commander of Deep Space Nine?!" exclaimed Masters incredulously.

"Yes they met while she was on Cardassia during the war aiding Damar in the resistance. If she can get past it I expected you to do so as well, understood?"

"Aye, sir. I will do my best….."; before he could finish Masters was cut off.

"I expect better than that, Captain. You will treat him with the courtesy and respect you would extend to any other officer. Is that clear?"

"Sir, yes, sir! Will there be anything else, sir?" Masters was clearly uneasy and responded as a first year cadet addressing his drill instructor.

"Alex I know you lost a lot of friends and classmates during the Dominion War. Hell, there is hardly anyone in Starfleet who was unaffected but you have to make this work. Cardassia has made remarkable progress since the war. Malar is proof positive of that."

"I understand sir. You have my word Admiral."

What Master’s was really thinking was, now I know how Kirk felt when he was ordered to meet with the Klingon Chancellor before the signing of the Khitomer Accords.

"Excellent! You have thirty-six hours R&R before reporting to the Lexington. Go spend it with your family."

"Aye, sire. Thank you sir"

"You’re welcome. Good luck Captain Masters. Dismissed."

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