I have many varied interests. I am also very opinionated AND I like to write. I may write about anything. Anything that interests me or anything that bothers me. I might write about the world of politics, I might write about books, or movies, or TV shows, or cigars or whatever interests me. Who knows a random thought or two might even show up. ENJOY!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Book Review: "Slander".........

In “Slander” lawyer and author Ann Coulter has written what could be considered a companion to Bernard Goldberg’s “Bias”; which was released earlier this year. However where Goldberg pulled his punches and wrote by and large a tame book, Coulter comes out of the corner swinging. With laser like precision and her trademark acerbic wit Coulter makes a case for what she sees as the unholy crusade being waged by the American left against the American right.

This exhaustively researched and footnoted book (over 30 pages containing over 700 footnotes) cover’s issues from the 2000 election; to the left’s characterization of conservative Republicans as either a mindless imbeciles (e.g. Reagan , Bush and Quayle) or a scary authoritarians (e.g. Gingrich, Bork and Nixon); to a comparison of the media’s treatment of Phyllis Schlafly vs Gloria Steinem and many more. In the process she gets in a great deal of criticism of “moderate” i.e. liberal Republican’s, the New York Times, most major media in general and the debating style of the left (call your opponent names and be done with it!).

No one will ever accuse Ann Coulter of subtlety. Some, most likely those on the left, might be inclined to dismiss this book as the bombastic and hyperbolic rantings of a right-wing harpy. However, given the unfriendly reception Ms. Coulter has received in her many media appearance I suspect that she has struck a very raw nerve and that at the very least some of what she says is true. That being said I would very much like to read a point by point rebuttal of her arguments by an equally committed member of the left.

If you are a conservative and are sick and tired of mealy mouthed, meek Republican’s afraid to stand up for themselves this book with have you laughing, cheering and leave you thoroughly satisfied. If you are a liberal or a Democrat you had better have taken your blood pressure medication prior to opening the pages of “Slander”.

Sports: "Talkin' Baseball"..........

The marathon Major League Baseball season starts Sunday night, April 3 when the Yankees play host to the World Series Champion Boston Red Sox (that is still fun to say). Time for some fearless predictions for the six months to come.

I predict the final National League East standings will be:

  1. Atlanta Braves (until they don’t win you have to pick them)
  2. Florida Marlins
  3. New York Mets
  4. Philadelphia Phillies
  5. Washington Nationals

The St. Louis Cardinals will win the National League Central

The San Francisco Giants will win the National League West

The Boston Red Sox will win the American League East

The Minnesota Twins will win the American League Central

The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim will win the American League West

The NL Wild Card will be the Florida Marlins

The AL Wild Card will be the New York Yankees

The Boston Red Sox will defeat the Florida Marlins in the World Series.

The Mets Pedro Martinez will lose between 4 and 6 win as a result of his bullpen but will still win at least 14 games.

If the Mets play well they can challenge the Marlins for second place and perhaps even the Wild Card. A rivalry will develop between these two teams that could be intense.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Book Review: "Midshipman's Hope"......

I have read quite a bit of science fiction lately and "Midshipman's Hope" by David Feintuch is among the best by far. It is a swashbuckling tale of the high seas that trades the ocean for the cold vacuum of space. The book is populated by a host of fascinating, well-developed characters.

The book is written in the first person narrated by the by the main character Nicholas Seafort. We first see him as a lowly, insecure midshipman and watch him rise through the ranks. Along the way he must confront more than his share of demons. His character is at times deeply sympathetic and at other times loathsome. However, he is never boring and always compelling.

Another distinguishing aspect of the book is in his depiction of the brutal 18th century style discipline that is employed in Feintuch's universe. It is at oft times quite disturbing. Fans of the movie "Starship Troopers" will certainly recognize the similarities.

Perhaps the finest aspect of this novel is that it tells a complete self-contained story even though it is but the first of many in the "Seafort Saga". This is not to say that it does not leave you wanting more which it certainly does.

"Midshipman's Hope" is one of the best works in the genre of military sci-fi.

Buy it here at Barnes and Noble:


Monday, March 28, 2005

Opinion: "Don't Complain About the Price of Gas, IF"...

Gas prices are going up and up. A gallon of gas now costs at least $2.00, if not more; I believe I paid $2.20 the other day. The situation will likely only get worse and never better. No one, including myself, likes it but let’s keep matters in perspective. To hear people talk you would think a five-cent a gallon increase is the end of the world. That got me thinking…

Everywhere you go you see people carrying around bottles of water, even I do it, too. The average 20 once bottle of water costs around $1.00 (sometimes much, much more). Given that there are 128 ounces in a gallon that makes bottled water $6.40 per gallon. Tap water, on the other hand, is free. If you are willing to pay $6.40 per gallon for bottled water then don’t complain about the price of gas.

I love Starbucks coffee. Based on the lines at my local store I assume many other do as well. A 20 once espressos drink can cost $3.00 or more. Given that there are 128 ounces in a gallon that makes coffee, at least, $19.20 per gallon. On the other hand, you can make it at home for pennies. If you are willing to pay $19.20 per gallon for coffee then don’t complain about the price of gas.

Millions of people drive Sports Utility Vehicles. Some in this country decry their choices. I really couldn’t care less. SUV’ s have very large gas tanks, 30 gallons or more in some cases. They also don’t get very good gas mileage, most get well under 20 miles per gallon. That means they need to fill up more often and it could cost them $60.00 or more to fill their tanks. On the other hand, there are many other cars on the market that are much more fuel efficient and cheaper to fill up. If you are willing to drive a gas-guzzling automobile then don’t complain about the price of gas.

Like everything else is life, gas is taxable. In New Jersey we have a relatively low gas tax 14.5 cents per gallon but other states are as high as .25 cents per gallon. Does anyone ever complain about the gas tax? If you are willing to put up with government taxation of gasoline then don’t complain about the price of gas.

I am sick and tired of government treating its citizens like ATM machines. From what I can tell not enough of you are as fed up as I am. Some of you even like paying taxes and will sit back and say nothing everytime a government comes along and takes more of your money. Yet let gas prices go up a nickel and you are outraged. If you are willing to stand-by quietly while government picks your pocket then don’t complain about the price of gas.

That’s all.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Report: "Iraq War Casualty Figures".....

I just checked the latest casualty figures from the Iraq War. We are on the verge of ending March with the fewest combat deaths since February of last year when 21 soldiers lost their lives. We have had two straight months of declining deaths; from a high of 106 deaths in January to 27 so far this month. Hopefully these figures mean that we have turned the tide on the insurgency and are on the way toward stabilizing that nation. Perhaps it also means we are one step closer to having some of our servicemen return home.

In a related story the Financial Times is reporting that certain members of the insurgency are looking to put down their arms and join the political process. If true this would be a truly positive development and would go a long way to restoring peace to Iraq.

Unfortunately with all the media attention focused on Florida and the Terry Schiavo situation most American’s are probably unaware of these positive developments in Iraq.

Although I have had my doubts about this war from the start I am glad to see think apparently moving in the right direction. I hope President Bush takes some comfort from it.

Here are links to the stories I mentioned:



Not So Deep Thoughts: "Maxims"......

Maxims are probably little from than elevated cliches. None the less I do find them useful and even inspiring. I've collected a few and will add to the list as warranted.

What’s done is done

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

Everyday brings a fresh start

Shit happens, plan for it and deal with it

Lighten up

No one knows the future

If you fall off the horse get right back on

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Life is a marathon not a sprint

Plan your work…work your plan

Things are not THAT bad and could be a lot worse

Look on the bright side

Sometimes good enough is GOOD ENOUGH

Act "as if"

Success breeds success and failure breeds failure

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Rant: "Stop the Friggin' World I Want to Get Off!"...

Stop the friggin’ world I want to get off! This is exactly what I was talking about in my piece "How Do Liberals Live with Themselves?" What in the name of Monday Night Football is going on in this country? A 14-year-old gets an abortion without her parent’s knowledge. When the mother tires to exercise her parental authority she is arrested. What this is saying is the state has superior rights to that of the parent. How sick and twisted is this?? I am so disgusted I don’t even know what to say anymore. Beam me up Scotty!

Follow the link to the story here (warning site has been slow):


Misc: "A Prayer for Peace".......

Now that the Supreme Court has denied the appeal of the Shindler family it appears that this sad story is coming to a close.

I pray that God comfort and bring some peace to this family in their darkest hour.

Opinion: "Logan's Run"......

Remember the 70’s sci-fi flick "Logan’s Run"? No? Well, it is the story about an apparently utopian future society, the only catch is that when you turn thirty an amulet on your hand begins to glow red. This is the sign that your time is up and you need enter the Carousel. Entering the Carousel is supposed to mean that you will be reborn but it nothing more than a suicide machine. Certain members of society who have rebelled against this policy are considers "Runners" nothing more than criminals to be hunted down by those called Sandmen. Until the time comes when one the Sandmen turns thirty and turns into a runner himself.

Why am I bringing up a little known thirty-year-old sci-fi flick? This is why, in "Logan’s Run" the heroes of the story are the Runners and the villains the Sandmen. Given how things are progressing in society, if the movie were remade today would the Runners still be considered to be the hero’s? Think about it.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Book Review: "A Hymn Before Battle"...

Any negative thoughts regarding John Ringo's "A Hymn Before Battle" were tempered after I read that Mr. Ringo was a fairly new author. "A Hymn Before Battle Battle" is am extremely well conceived work of military sci-fi that suffers from at best an average execution of the concept.

The concept is a twist on the old first contact with aliens story. Instead of coming to kill us or advance our civilization the aliens in "Battle" need our help. There is a powerful hostile race, the Posleen, running rough shod through the galaxy and the Galactics (as the aliens are called) need the earth's help to save the galaxy from invasion. In exchange they will share with us some their technology.

The novel has several very positive aspects. The author is a fan of sci-fi and at times in the novel he pays homage to sci-fi and sci-fi novels which is kind of fun. Ringo does a nice job playing with technology and comes up with cool gadgets and weapons, from the AID's, to the Hyper Velocity Missiles to the Armored Combat Suits. He also creates a compelling character in Michael O'Neal and the story surrounding him is a good one. Lastly, the fact that the story is set in the present time and not in the future lends a little extra something to the book.

Alas "Battle" is not without it's shortcomings. The major problem is that it is the first in a series and as such elements of the books are incomplete and others seem nothing more than wastes of time (the whole sub plot surrounding Sgt. Pappas is a good example). This is frustrating because it is possible to write a serialized set of novels wherein each novel is complete story in and of itself. Examples of this would be the Mars trilogy written by Kim Stanley Robinson, another is the on-going Star Wars: New Jedi Order series. Another issue is that "Battle" is not as compelling or as exciting as it might be given the premise.

That being said like look forward to reading the second book in this series called "Gust Front". The concept, the O'Neal character and Ringo's technology are enough to bring me back for another.

Buy it here on Amazon.com:


Opinion: "Whose Side is God On???"...

There will be two factions battling for supremacy in the 2008 election and it is not the Republicans and the Democrats. It will be the religious left versus the religious right. Having lost two straight presidential elections and with their power in Washington at an all time low liberals have begun to look inward. They have found that the strength of the Republican Party has come from religious conservatives. Having identified this deficiency the liberals are looking to get religion.

At an ever-increasing rate so called liberal people of faith are coming out of the woodwork to announce "Hey! I believe in God too"! Liberals from Hillary Clinton to Howard Dean are now all either quoting from the Bible or talking about matters of faith. Books are being written that attempt to relate modern liberal dogma and Scripture. They read the New Testament of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus as a blue print for an anti-war, social justice agenda. In their minds Jesus is for higher taxes, is anti-war and is for gay marriage. They look at Jesus and see a combination of John Lennnon, Gandhi and Karl Marx all rolled into one.

As absurd as this premise may sound to religious conservatives it should not be discounted out of hand. There are selected passages in the Bible that if read out of context or without understanding could be used to justify the liberal position. Enjoying uncontested ground as they have for all these years I do not believe the right is prepared to make proper rebuttal. This is potentially disastrous. And from what I have seen so far little energy or attention is being paid towards developing counters to the emergence of a liberal religious political agenda.

Over the years the religious right has gotten a bit myopic. I am of the opinion that far too many prominent members of the religious right are inordinately obsessed with matters of sexual morality. This is in no way to suggest that these is issues are not extremely important but there are other issues to consider. They need to broaden their approach if they are to counter the coming attack from the religious left. They do this not by adopting the positions of the left but by developing scriptural and policy based ideas to counter a social justice agenda. The right is currently not prepared to wage this battle.

In the final analysis both sides want to think that God is on their side. During the Civil War President Lincoln observed "Both [sides] read the same Bible, and pray to the same God; and each invokes His aid against the other". The circumstances today my not be as dire as in the 1860’s but the sentiment is as true today as it was then.

Is God/Jesus a Republican or a Democrat? I suspect he is neither and moreover I think it is sacrilege to even attempt to categorize God in such crass and vulgar terms. Unfortunately, we are political animals and we all want to think that God is on our side.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Movie Review: "In the Name of the Father"......

This movie, based on a true story, is vivid and shocking indictment of the English criminal justice system. It depicts a British society so obsessed with IRA terrorism that they would stop at nothing, even physical torture and near police state conditions, to bring a "guilty person" to justice. It shows a system in which when the truth is uncovered that Conlon and his family were in fact blameless the authorities refuse to acknowledge this fact and allow to Conlon's to remain in prison. Also shocking are the scenes in which not only are the prisoner's visits monitored but a transcript is taken of the conversations. However, not every victim of the British system was guilty.

This is the story of Gerry Conlon (Daniel Day Lewis) a young Irish man caught in the wrong place and the wrong time and is implicated and ultimately convicted in an IRA bombing attack on a British pub. The movie takes the viewer through this process. From his time in London to his arrest and torture, both physical and psychological, at the hand of the British police during his interrogation to his 15 year incarceration in a maximum security facility to his triumphant appeal and release. The interrogation sequences are most disturbing in their depiction of the combination of physical and mental abuse used to wear down a suspect to the point where he or she will admit and confess to any thing in order to end the abuse. We also see how the police arrest Conlon's entire family including his father as co-conspirators. Ultimately, they are all convicted and sentenced to varying term in prison. Conlon and his father Giuseppe are cell-mates and the movie goes on to explore the transformation of their relationship from a rather distant and cold one to a caring and loving one as the years of their incarceration drag on.

Daniel Day Lewis turns in a memorable performance in his monument to excesses of Britain's war on domestic terrorism. Emma Thompson is OK in her role has a stalwart supporter of the family and their cause but her role could have been bigger. This movie is not intended to be in any way balanced whatsoever. The viewer is supposed to be sympathetic toward the Conlon family and have nothing but contempt for the British authorities. The aforementioned instances and more make this emotional connection very easy to make. That is a little more than disturbing.

As with other fact based movies, "JFK" et. al., we are getting a one sided view of the issue. In many cases the makers use artistic license to "tweak" the plot in one way or the other. As a result, viewers who may not be as up to speed on these issues may accept these interpretations as gospel when in fact they are not. I am suggesting that viewers should not just accept at face value the opinions or views of very often biased director and producers who are out to make a political point.

Link to the Internet Movie Database for "In the Name of the Father"......


Book Review: "The Surgeon".......

"The Surgeon" is a well crafted and taut thriller. It is a well done example of the cat and mouse game played between a serial killer and the police. It combines gruesome forensic details with clever police work and leads to a disturbing climax. There is also a distinct "whodunit" aspect to "The Surgeon" that ads to the entertainment value of this novel. The story is also told from a distinctly female perspective.

The characters in "The Surgeon" are nicely sketched out. There is a hard as nails female detective seemingly at war with her own sexuality (and members of her own police department) investigating a series of vicious murders; her partner a cool headed, straight laced detective still in mourning; the shadowy, disturbed killer who is always present but isn't; and the beautiful and brilliant trauma surgeon who becomes one mans obsession and another mans lover.

The authors medical background is clearly evident as the passages set in Emergency Rooms or surgery wards are pulse pounding page tuners. This background is also clearly evident in grisly detailing of the murders committed. Fans of the TV shows ER and CSI will find these elements highly satisfying.

I found "The Surgeon" to be highly entertaining and engrossing. I read the final half of the book in a single sitting. I am pleased to have found a new author and look forward to reading more of her works.

Buy it here at Amazon.com:


Opinion: "How Do Liberals Live with Themselves?"

I swear I do not know how liberals live with themselves. Honestly, how can people in good conscience vehemently oppose the death penalty while at the same time support abortion on demand and now euthanasia? It is truly mind-boggling.

Since 1973 we have performed untold millions of abortions in this country in the name of women’s rights. Retaining the right to kill the unborn has become the number one issue in the radical feminist movement. Any move to curtail this "right", even in the most modest terms, is met with near violent opposition. Therefore what we are left with is a society that requires school’s to obtain parental consent to administer an aspirin to a child but can provide them with birth control and abortion services at their leisure. We live in a society where infanticide, euphemistically called partial birth abortion, is an accepted practice. We have a society where abortions are performed because it is inconvenient for the mother to be pregnant. How do liberals live with themselves?

While at the same time cherishing the right to kill the innocent unborn, liberals are appalled by the notion that society may want to execute the most vile criminals. Leave aside the fact that capital punishment is contemplated by the Constitution and abortion is not. Which position is inherently more defensible? Killing an unborn child and robbing it of all it’s future potential or executing one who has taken life and robbed someone else of their future potential? Seems pretty clear to me. But not to a liberal. To them the life of a hardened criminal is worth more than that of an unborn child. I ask again how do liberals live with themselves?

I will give liberals their due. They are strategic and they are patient. They do not go for the whole pie all at once. They go for it a piece at a time. It might take them years to get what they want but they are patient to wait and take what they can get when they can. It started in 1973 with abortion. Now 32 years later, secure that abortion rights are safe, they are moving on towards making euthanasia as much a part of everyday life as abortion. The Terry Schiavo case is merely a starting point. How can I make such an accusation? Simple, whom are the ones taking the lead in making sure that Terry Schiavo is allowed to starve to death? Conservatives? No it is the liberal’s that have taken up this cause in support of death. This woman is defenseless as defenseless as an unborn child and liberals want her to die. Well at least they are consistent on that score. I guess to a liberal it is ok to kill the defenseless but somehow it is wrong to kill a convicted murderer. I ask for the last time…….how do liberals live with themselves?

Monday, March 21, 2005

Book Review: "Dragon".........

I have been an avid reader for years now but never saw fit to read anything by Clive Cussler. One day I gave in and picked up a copy of his book "Dragon". I am glad I did and I can now tell you why Cussler has sold so many books over the years. Quite frankly he tells a good story. Then there is always his alter ego the swashbuckling hero Dirk Pitt, think a combination of James Bond and Indiana Jones. The two combine to produce a tremendously fun piece of escapist fiction.

Written in 1990 "Dragon" may seem a bit dated. It was written at the height of America’s fear of being economically dominated by Japan. It in no way detracts from the story whatsoever.

Cussler has a wonderful ability to weave together historical and contemporary elements into one grand tale. In the case of "Dragon", how can a World War II bomber sitting at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean hold the key to saving the free world from a fabulously wealthy Japanese industrialist determined to establish Japan as the world’s preeminent superpower? That is the riddled to be solved by Dirk Pitt and company if they are to save the day.

"Dragon" is full of samurai assassins, killer robots, nuclear brinkmanship, gadgets and heroic acts of daring-do. It is an immensely fun page-turner that I highly recommend.

Buy it here at Amazon.com:
