I have many varied interests. I am also very opinionated AND I like to write. I may write about anything. Anything that interests me or anything that bothers me. I might write about the world of politics, I might write about books, or movies, or TV shows, or cigars or whatever interests me. Who knows a random thought or two might even show up. ENJOY!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Notes and Asides........

Issue #1 -

It turns out I did not need to turn to the New York Times for my daily dose of liberal lunacy. In New Jersey’s own Star Ledger there is a loony leftist who would feel right at home on the New York Times OpEd page. I speak of Bob Braun who writes an opinion piece for the Ledger.


A February 13th piece where he compares President Bush to, wait for it, Mao! I have to admit I admire his originality. Most liberals have compared President Bush to Hitler. Quite frankly it’s getting old and displays a distinct lack of originality. So I guess I have to give him some credit. Although the comparison is of course ridiculous.

Yesterday he talks about a new book written by a professor at Rutgers University that calls for restoring voting rights to ex-felons. It is an absurd idea to be sure. What’s more the only reason it is even being suggested is that liberals see criminals as a vast untapped vein of new Democrat voters. Want proof? He goes back to the 2000 election (will liberals ever get over it???) and restates President Bush’s slim margin of victory. The implication? Obviously that if ex-felons were not denied the franchise Al Gore would now be president and the world would be a better place. This is politics pure and simple.

Issue #2 –

As everyone now knows a company from the United Arab Emirates has purchased a British firm that is responsible for the operations of several East Coast ports. The White House supports this and has no issue with turning over control of ports to an Arab country.

This is so outrageous I do not know where to begin! It is akin to the United States turning over control of Pearl Harbor to the Japanese during World War II. The ports are improperly secured to begin with.

I do not care if the deal makes economic sense or that we might insult the Muslims by disallowing this deal. It is a political nightmare for the President because it forces conservatives, myself included, to agree with, God help me, Hillary Clinton, who has vowed to block the deal. It is also a potentially massive security risk.

Today, the President stated that he would veto any legislation aimed at blocking the deal. It should be noted that in his time as President he has NEVER vetoed a piece of legislation. He did not use his veto pen to keep spending in check or for other purposes. He will use it to make sure an Arab nation can oversee our ports! My discontent for this President continues to grow by the day!

Any doubts I had about whether this was a good deal where erased when I found out the one for few people supporting the President in this matter was none other than the pathetically failed president Jimmy Carter! Carter has never been right about anything in his life.
Lastly, if this deal goes through and God forbid something tragic happens as a result then President Bush should be impeached and perhaps even prosecuted. This deal is nothing but one thing BAD. It must not be allowed to go through.

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