I have many varied interests. I am also very opinionated AND I like to write. I may write about anything. Anything that interests me or anything that bothers me. I might write about the world of politics, I might write about books, or movies, or TV shows, or cigars or whatever interests me. Who knows a random thought or two might even show up. ENJOY!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Weather: "Hurricane Katrina".....

This is hurricane Katrina and she is one big bitch. It is a Category 5 storm and currently is packing winds of 165 mph. The shear power of nature is truly humbling.

Within the next 18 to 24 it will hit somewhere along the southern Gulf Coast of the United States. No telling the amount of damage it will do and how many people will lose their lives as a result. No doubt there will be widespread disruption of basic services. New Orleans, which is already below sea level, may be under 20 - 30 feet of water.

Tens of thousands are seeking refuge in the New Orleans Super Dome. Trouble is no one knows for sure if the stadium is capable of withstanding the onslaught that this coming.

Yet looking at the picture it is impossible not to struck by the awesome beauty of this storm. It’s near perfect pin wheel like shape and the perfectly formed eye are truly a site to behold. It would glorious were it not so destructive and deadly.

Katrina is one of the three most powerful storms ever recorded and will most certainly go down in history. May God be with the people in the path of this storm and keep them safe.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Not-So Deep Thoughts: "Jessica Alba is HOT!!!"....

That's all I really wanted to say! ENJOY!

Rant: "Just Say 'NO' to a 9/11 Movie"......

I have been meaning to complain about this for a long time now. In October Paramount studios is planning to begin shooting a movie about September 11, 2001. Set aside for a second the exceedingly bad taste of making a movie about one of the darkest day in American history less than five years removed from the attack. What is truly outrageous is that radical, leftist, wacko conspiracy nut Oliver Stone is set to direct the film. Having Stone, an America-hating, Castro-loving dirt bag direct a movie about 9/11 is akin to having Leni Riefenstahl direct a movie about The Holocaust! In a world brimming with outrageous acts this ranks up there with the most outrageous.

RIP: Brock Peters - 1927-2005...

Another member of the Star Trek family as passed away. Veteran actor Brock Peters died Tuesday of pancreatic cancer. He was 78.

To sci-fi fans Peters is best remembered as Admiral Cartwright in the Star Trek movie series. He also portrayed Joseph Sisko the father of Benjamin Sisko on “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine“. What genre fans may not know is that Brock Peters also played Darth Vader. He provided the voice of the Dark Lord of the Sith in the National Public Radio dramatization of “A New Hope“, “The Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi“. His performance in these programs is at times spine tingling and very moving. If you are a Star Wars fan and have not experienced these radio dramas you are missing out on a grand experience. They are available on CD and I encourage all Star Wars fans to check them out.

I have always considered myself a fan of Peters work but even I did not know, until I began reading up on his career, that his first big break came in 1962 when he portrayed Tom Robinson in the classic “To Kill a Mockingbird” playing opposite Gregory Peck.

Whenever I saw Peters I could not help but compare him to James Earl Jones. Both possess power voices and have a presence on the screen that is not at all common. In is a shame that Peters did not achieve a greater level of notoriety. I for enjoyed his work immensely and will miss seeing and hearing him. Brock Peters RIP.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

OpEd Reply: "Truth in Recruiting"......

I expect raging stupidity from the New York Times OpEd page and Bob Herbert’s August 22 column entitled “Truth in Recruiting” did not disappoint.

In it he makes the fantastical claim that those men and women volunteering to join out military today are doing so under false pretenses. That they do not realize that membership in the armed forces may include combat.

Forget for a moment that military service is one of the most ancient of pursuits and that we have been a nation at war for nearly four years. As Mr. Herbert correctly points out that the central purpose of our military is “to fight and kill the enemies of the United States”. If Mr. Herbert understands this most basic principle why does he not credit the members of our military with the same common sense and grasp of the obvious. In not doing so he is, in a sense, saying that those who volunteer to join are moronic, simpletons duped into serving their country. This an outrage! It is not only an insult to the intelligence of his readers but to every man and women who wears the uniform of the United States armed forces.

Not only is this ragingly stupid it is also despicable.