I am giving up sports! To hell with it all.
The Jets season is now officially done. Worse yet they will now revert to being the pathetic franchise they were prior to Parcells. Pennington will never recover from this latest injury and if he does he will he a shadow of the shadow of his former self. Curtis Martin is not getting any younger and his best days are clearly behind him. The offensive line which has been so good for so long is now starting to really show its age. This team has no future.
The Mets are not much better. Sure they have Wright and Reyes but they wasted the best year they were going to get out of Pedro (it's all down hill from here). Their bullpen is garbage. They have no decent first or second baseman. No catcher. No consistent RBI threat. Their future is not bright AT ALL!
The Rangers, who in god's name are all these guys??? I have no clue who ANY of these guys are. They truly are the NY Strangers. Seven years out of the playoffs. I think you can safely add another year to that because they ain't making the playoffs this year. Probably not next year or the year after maybe. That will make an even decade of futility! Maybe Messier's grandson will lead them to the playoffs in say the year 2040 but then only to lose in the first round to the Devils! If I am still alive 60 years from now people will ask me what I remember from the last time the Rangers won the Cup!
Some people root for good teams and decent franchises. Not me! I had to pick the three most pathetic teams to follow. Well that is all she wrote for me. Since I could NEVER EVER root from the Yankees (evil scum) or the Devils (let's destroy hockey with the trap) or the Giants (just don't care) I will just stop following altogether!
Texas Holdem anyone????
I have many varied interests. I am also very opinionated AND I like to write. I may write about anything. Anything that interests me or anything that bothers me. I might write about the world of politics, I might write about books, or movies, or TV shows, or cigars or whatever interests me. Who knows a random thought or two might even show up. ENJOY!
Monday, September 26, 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005
Opinion: "Jon Corzine's Mid-Life Crisis"......
Jon Corzine does not want to be governor of New Jersey. It is merely another manifestation of his on-going mid-life crisis. Most men in mid-life crisis buy a Ferrari or another macho status symbol but since money-bags Corzine doubtless already owns a Ferrari he buys political offices instead.
In 1999 a bored Jon Corzine stepped down as CEO of Goldman Sachs and decided he wanted to be a US Senator. So he spent $35 million of his own money to buy the Democratic nomination from Jim Florio and then another $27 million to defeat Bob Franks. He was sworn in January of 2001. That is $62 million. It would have been cheaper to buy another Ferrari!
Now four years and an undistinguished Senate career later Jon Corzine, bored with being a US Senator, wants to be governor of New Jersey. Step one involved paying off the corrupt Democratic party bosses to secure himself an uncontested primary. Now with the parties nomination in hand he will now spend whatever it takes to defeat Doug Forrester and become governor. As with his campaign for Senate Corzine is willing to spend whatever it takes in furtherance of his continuing mid-life crisis.
I have absolutely now doubt in my mind that this wealth, empty suit will be elected governor on election day it is nearly a fait accompli (too many people with their hands out in Essex and Camden county). Politics in NJ will then grow increasingly more corrupt (if that is even conceivable). The politics of his state continue to disgust me. New Jersey does not have a single Republican elected to statewide office. Even Massachusetts has a Republican governor!
My only question is, what happens when Jon Corzine gets bored with being governor???
In 1999 a bored Jon Corzine stepped down as CEO of Goldman Sachs and decided he wanted to be a US Senator. So he spent $35 million of his own money to buy the Democratic nomination from Jim Florio and then another $27 million to defeat Bob Franks. He was sworn in January of 2001. That is $62 million. It would have been cheaper to buy another Ferrari!
Now four years and an undistinguished Senate career later Jon Corzine, bored with being a US Senator, wants to be governor of New Jersey. Step one involved paying off the corrupt Democratic party bosses to secure himself an uncontested primary. Now with the parties nomination in hand he will now spend whatever it takes to defeat Doug Forrester and become governor. As with his campaign for Senate Corzine is willing to spend whatever it takes in furtherance of his continuing mid-life crisis.
I have absolutely now doubt in my mind that this wealth, empty suit will be elected governor on election day it is nearly a fait accompli (too many people with their hands out in Essex and Camden county). Politics in NJ will then grow increasingly more corrupt (if that is even conceivable). The politics of his state continue to disgust me. New Jersey does not have a single Republican elected to statewide office. Even Massachusetts has a Republican governor!
My only question is, what happens when Jon Corzine gets bored with being governor???
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Memorial: Remembering 9/11....

Today is September 11. It was a sparklingly clear late summer morning when the unthinkable occurred. At 8:46 AM American Airlines Flight 11 carrying 92 passengers was crashed in to the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Seventeen minutes later at 9:03 United Airlines Flight 175 carrying 65 passengers was crashed in to the South Tower of the World Trade Center. At 9:37 AM American Airlines Flight 77 carrying 64 passengers was crashed in to the Pentagon. At 10:03 AM United Airlines Flight 93 carrying 45 passenger was prevented from reaching its intended target when the passenger attempted to retake the jet from the terrorist filth. The effort resulted in the plane crashing into a field in Shanksville, PA. At 10:05 AM the South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses. At 10:29 AM the North Tower of the World Trade Center collapses. In the end 2,986 lives were lost than day making it the single worst attack on the United States of America.
Four years later many things are still not the same but all too many things have gone back to the way they were on September 10, 2001. Since 9/11/01 we have undertaken military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Saddam Hussein sits behind bars but Osama Bin Laden, presumably, remains at large, assuming he is not already dead.
For posterity I would like to transcribe the journal entry I made on the morning of 9/11/01 from my desk at Convent Station.
September 11, 2001 - 10:41 AM
My Desk at Convent Station ->
To paraphrase….September 11, 2001 a date which will live in infamy. As I write this the Twin Towers are no more! Washington, DC is being evacuated! A coordinated terrorist attack is in progress against the United States of America! Words fail me right now! I’ve never seen anything like this in 32 years. I must admit to being freaked out myself. The military is patrolling the skies of DC. Reportedly a hijacked plane was just shot down outside Pittsburgh. Another is approaching DC. 11:15 AM this plan may have been shot down. There is a great deal of rumor and false info. Everything is happening very fast! 11:20 AM the plane is still heading for DC. 11:35 AM not surprising a pro-Palestinian group is claiming “credit” for this attack!
September 12, 2001 - 1:27 AM
After all of today’s events I admit to being afraid to go to sleep! I cannot put in to words right now exactly what I am thinking and feeling. This much I know, I cannot bear to watch anymore video recaps of today’s event. I’ve seen the Towers collapse time and again on video and I can’t stand to see it anymore. Another sight I can no longer bare are images of the second plane crashing into the Tower.
Someone has to pay for this outrage and pay dearly!
There you have it. Four years later we are still at war with Islamo-fascism and I imagine we will be so for some time. We should not rest until everyone responsible for this outrage has suffered a horrible death.
Four years later, may God bless the victims and their families, may God bless the United States of America and may God DAMN all those responsible and all who celebrated it!
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