I have many varied interests. I am also very opinionated AND I like to write. I may write about anything. Anything that interests me or anything that bothers me. I might write about the world of politics, I might write about books, or movies, or TV shows, or cigars or whatever interests me. Who knows a random thought or two might even show up. ENJOY!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Response: "Guantanamo's Long Shadow"......

It has taken less than four years for many Americans to forget 9/11. In his June 21, 2005 New York Times Op-Ed piece entitled "Guantanamo's Long Shadow" Anthony Lewis bemoans America's treatment of terrorist murderers being held in Cuba.

I invite Mr. Lewis to try and recall the outrage he felt, if any, on the morning of September 11, 2001. He should attempt to recall the images of the Towers collapsing. He should think about all the children who will never know their mother or father. He should think on all these things before shedding any tears for Mohamed al-Kahtani, a man who would have gladly seen countless more Americans die on that day.

I challenge Mr. Lewis and all who agree with him to answer this simple question: if an "exercise in degradation or humiliation" had allowed us to prevent 9/11 would it not have been worth it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes it would be worth it. BUT what if the exercise CAUSES another 9/11?