I have many varied interests. I am also very opinionated AND I like to write. I may write about anything. Anything that interests me or anything that bothers me. I might write about the world of politics, I might write about books, or movies, or TV shows, or cigars or whatever interests me. Who knows a random thought or two might even show up. ENJOY!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Opinion: "RUN, CINDY, RUN!!!!".....

Quisling, left-wing wacko and all around moron Cindy Sheehan returned from her meeting with South American thug Hugo Chavez to annouce that she is considering challenging Diane Feinstein for her seat in the US Senate.

Mother Sheehan described Feinstein as a "Republican in a Democrats clothing."

All I can say is RUN, CINDY, RUN!! The true face of the Democratic Party in 2006 should put her money where her mouth is and throw her hat into the ring.

It is the perfect win/win, even if it would not result in the election of a Republican from California it would give us a traitorous schmuck that would ammount to the gift that keeps on giving.

Again I say.....RUN, CINDY, RUN!!!!!

Monday, January 09, 2006

TV Review: "Battlestar Galactica - 'Resurrection Ship'"........




Season 2.5 of Battlestar Galactica kicked off last Friday night with the episode "Resurrection Ship". The episode opens with the Battlestar’s Galactica and Pegasus on the brink. The situation is temporarily resolved and both commanders meet on neutral ground to discuss fighting the Cylons instead of each other.

I am a huge fan of the original Battlestar Galactica and by and large of have enjoyed this new incarnation. I have not as yet been critical as many others have. That is about to change. Elements of this episode just made NO SENSE.

First, even in the world of BSG the military answers to the civilian authority. That being the case why does President Roslyn not just demote the troublesome Admiral Cain and promote Adama? Instead she behaves as if the military is beyond her control. Later in the episode it is learned that not only has Admiral Cain not only executed civilians but also left a number of civilians ship to the mercy of the Cylons. At this point why is Cain not thrown into the brig to rot? Instead Roslyn further demonstrates her impotence by recommending that Adama kill Cain before Cain can kill him. This makes for interesting viewing to be sure but given that the producers of the show are on record as wanting the show to be more realistic than the original this plotting is simply baffling.

Second, why would Cain promote Starbuck to captain and make her the CAG of the Pegasus? After all, Starbuck is an officer Cain hardly knows (and what she does know is not good from reading Adama’s logs) and by doing so she is promoting one of the people closest to Adama. Now perhaps this is a case of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer but there is no indication of that.

Lastly, the closing moments of the episodes where each commander is seen plotting the demise of the other is ridiculous in the extreme.

Does this mean that the episode was a failure? No. It was a quite compelling episodes but it strayed too far from reality. Given the fact that this show is hailed for its realism it is not difficult to find fault.

By the way.....the Resurrection Ship itself looked suspiciously Borg-like to me.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Opinion: "Pat Robertson is a Schmuck"........

Any reader of this blog knows that I am a conservative. As a conservative I say that Pat Robertson is a schmuck. Regrettably he is often associated with the right and that is a damn shame.

His latest thought is that Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine retribution for talking peace with the Palestinians. This is so stupid I do not even know where to begin. On this point I do not see what separates Robertson from the Islamo-fascist president of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who hope Sharon dies.

Go away Robertson just go away. You are a fool and an embarrassment.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Question: "Did President Bush Lie About WMD's????".....

Google the following for yourself:

Clinton Iraq 1998

Go ahead....try it.....

I'll even give you a head start...


Sunday, January 01, 2006


HAPPY 2006!!!!!